Think of thinking!

  • Think of the exact volume of water you’ll need to fill up the water reservoir to capacity.
  • Think of that gigantic building being erected by the roadside. That one with high scrapers.
  • Or the Burj Khalifa and it’s time defeating civil engineering hacks and techniques.
  • Think of how vultures see their prey from a very high position and very far away.
  • Think of the angle of depression between the predator and the prey.
  • How many more steps do you need to take before stepping into the bathtub while playing blindfold with friends?
  • Oh! It’s evening. That show, the one you love most will soon be up on the TV. How many more minutes to ShowTime? Ah! It’s time! You have a few minutes to revel in your joy and enjoyment. Savor the moment for the time is up. I heard you were complaining. Complaining that the length of your trousers is more than what was required…

Rings a bell in any way? Any? Are you still thinking? I’m sure you must have noticed the mathematical terms in the above such as Length, Volume, Capacity, Time, Engineering, Angle of depression, among others. Is there any more proof needed to show that relation between mathematics and our daily lives? It’s more like we’re living in a bubble of mathematics. I mean, after writing this, I’d like to know the number of words I’ve written. Surely, my system will do the counting. Call it “mathematical writing” and you won’t be very far from the truth!

Mathematics is around us and is on everything we do. It makes our lives more orderly thereby preventing chaos. Mathematics nurtures qualities like the power of reasoning, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, effective communication skills, and abstract thinking. It promotes wisdom and helps the individual to know how things work by providing them with an insight into the internal converting systems and mechanisms that make up that thing.

Now that the importance of mathematics has been proven, how about something like an improved method of learning mathematics? Like an improved environment beyond and different from the four walls of the classroom where learning will be as convenient as the word can get? Think no further!

Thanks to the emergence of online learning classes, mathematics has been made easier and understandable for learners. Online learning is simply defined as a system where learning is done with computers and lessons are designed to suit the individual needs of the learner. It is different from the traditional method of learning where students take the stress of commuting and converging in one place that sometimes turns out to be extremely boring to learn something that’d have been easily learned at home.

What then are the advantages of taking mathematical courses online? What do you stand to gain by following and attending the lessons we provide? The under listed gives answers to these questions so posed.

  1. If you sign up to our mathematical online lessons, you’ll have access to it from wherever you’re in the world. The location you are at doesn’t matter. All you need do is to get a computer or use your mobile phone, an internet connection, our program and you’ll be good to go. Online lessons aren’t built on sitting in one place and learning such that your absence denies you the chance of learning. In online classes, you can get lessons from the comfort of your bedroom. Just make sure you’re signed up to our program!


  1. Online lessons are distinct from the traditional learning routine when viewed through the prisms of comfort and flexibility it provides. Traditional classes have you rooted to your chair and gives the chance to move only sideways when tired. In online classes, especially our own programs, you get the freedom that comes with being in charge of the lessons you’ll take. You’ll learn in comfort. It provides flexibility and helps the learner to save time that’ll have hitherto been spent commuting and shuttling buses from one place to the other.


  1. Unlike the traditional learning classes, online learning classes provide for communities. These are a likeminded group of individuals who have come together to form a kind of cluster where issues that relate to the field they’re interested in are discussed. Here, the learner is exposed to different experiences around the world, improving their outlook and general experience. Through this, important relationships are built and may ultimately lead to something very positive. Mathematics is like art and can be subject to individual interpretations. In communities like this, a learner meets different people and learns a thing or two from them. Problems will be solved and they’ll have fun!


  1. Online learning courses are cheaper to run than those under the conventional learning systems. Here, for example, students don’t pile up debts on housing and transport. All they need to learn is their laptop or mobile device and their heads of course!


  1. This system promotes self-discipline. A learner knows he/she isn’t being supervised. They know they have to leave whatever it is they were doing and prepare for their classes. It teaches the commitment to identify, know and doing the right thing at the right time. Traditional learning systems sometimes face rebellions from different students. This is because some are forced to attend against their own will. With online courses and the discipline that comes with it, you know learning is just about the right thing to do even without being told. Discipline takes an individual to places where indiscipline doesn’t.


  1. Apart from the lessons provided, online classes help learners improve their technical skills as they interact with different Learning Management Systems (LMS). You get 2 things for the price of one. Talk about being smart.

Traditional learning systems despite its resounding usefulness tens of years ago are now taking the backseat to the modern improvements and innovation in the art of learning. It wouldn’t be apt to say it has no advantages, but the advantages in online or e-learning system far outweigh the advantages there is in the known traditional system of learning. More so, there is a proliferation of online courses but should you follow? Check all the factors and indicators. Check comfort, flexibility, and resourcefulness. Check. I’m sure you’ll be visiting here more!



, Traditional Learning versus E-Learning
Excel Mathematics
Our videos are the companion you seek in the quest for excellence in mathematics. We can help you to succeed! We can help share in your fun of captivating mathematics. We can clear your mind of mathematical worries. We can help you!
Categories: Blog

Excel Mathematics

Our videos are the companion you seek in the quest for excellence in mathematics. We can help you to succeed! We can help share in your fun of captivating mathematics. We can clear your mind of mathematical worries. We can help you!